Motherhood is messy. And challenging. And crazy. And sleepless. And giving. And still unbelievably beautiful." — Rachel Martin
Every new mother would agree to Rachel Martin. There is a constant stream of questions and worries. And one of the biggest concerns? Your little one’s health.
Babies have delicate immune systems that are still growing. Their little bodies are learning how to fight off illness. And it’s completely natural for new moms to worry about low immunity in child.
The immune system is the body’s defence network that fights illness. They are not fully developed at birth. It is only around age 2 to 3 they get fully developed. Until then, they need some extra help to stay healthy and fight infections.
8 Tips To Boost Your Child’s Immunity
Mothers, if you are looking for some easy and natural ways, then the below-mentioned points are something you must rely on. Read with us on how to increase immunity in child naturally through simple approaches that work with your little munchkin.
1. Adequate Sleep
Sleep like a baby. For your child’s immune system, sleep is highly important. During deep sleep, the body produces cytokines. Adequate sleep promotes the production of these proteins and enhances overall immune function. Be sure your baby gets plenty of sleep! 16-18 hours a day for Newborns and 12-16 hours for older babies is recommended. Make their sleep environment cozy with a Sleeping Bag that ensures warmth and comfort all night long.
2. Fresh Air & Sunshine
Spend time outdoors. Sunshine helps the body produce Vitamin D, and boost your child’s immunity. Take them out for a walk or stroll around. On cold days, bundle your baby in a soft and warm Kids Blanket.
3. Baby Vaccines and Immunisations
Never skip these! Vaccinations prevent communicable diseases in children. They help build child immunity. Even if exposed, vaccinated children are less likely to face severe complications. Always follow your recommended immunisation schedule.
4. Skin to Skin Care
Hold your baby close to you. Not only that the feeling is incredible, also skin-to-skin contact enhances their immune system. It stabilises their heart rate and body temperature while reducing stress hormones. Consider wrapping your newborn in a Swaddle Wrap for a snug and comforting embrace and bonding.
5. Exercise or Massages
Get moving. Regular physical activity is important for babies, too. Gentle exercises like tummy time or playful stretches are great for improving blood circulation and building immunity. For newborns, a soothing body massage will be beneficial. It stimulates their lymphatic system and helps those tiny bodies to fight infections.
6. Pay Attention To Diet
Healthy food = healthy baby. Strong immunity begins with nutrient-dense foods. Pureed apples, papaya, spinach, and carrots are excellent choices, offering vital vitamins and antioxidants. They are excellent immune-boosting foods for babies. For babies starting solids, introduce options like yoghurt, sweet potatoes, and leafy greens. These foods nourish growing bodies and enhance their ability to fight illnesses.
7. Breastfeeding
Breast milk remains unmatched as a natural protector. It has all the antibodies and essential nutrients that shield newborns from infections while building their immune system. Exclusive breastfeeding during the initial months is the base for lifelong health. If you are wondering how to increase the immunity power of a newborn baby, aim to breastfeed your baby exclusively for the first six months.
8. Hygiene
A clean environment safeguards your baby from harmful germs. Wash hands thoroughly before contact, and keep frequently used items sanitised. During outings, protect your child from harsh weather with soft, breathable Newborn Baby Caps. Small steps create a healthier, safer space for growth.
Strengthening baby immunity involves simple yet meaningful habits. It is about nurturing their health with love and care. From restful sleep to healthy meals, each effort nurtures their health and resilience At Cocoon Care, we understand the importance of these moments and thoughtfully designed products that put your baby’s safety and comfort first. Explore our Newborn Baby Products to support your parenting journey.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I boost my baby's immune system fast?
Prioritise sleep. Breastfeed if possible. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Give them tummy time and fresh air daily. Stick to the vaccination schedule.
What is natural immunity in babies?
Babies get natural immunity from their mothers. Antibodies transfer during pregnancy and through breast milk. These help fight infections early on.
At what age do babies develop immunity?
Immunity starts at birth but is not fully developed. It grows stronger each year and by 2 to 3 years, full immune maturity is generally reached.
How can I protect my baby from cold weather?
Dress them in layers to keep warm. Use Kids Blankets and Newborn Baby Caps when going outdoors.
Do babies get immunity from their mothers?
Yes. Antibodies transfer from mother to child during pregnancy. Breast milk adds more protection after birth.
Why is my baby’s immune system weak?
There could be many reasons. Premature birth, lack of breastfeeding, poor sleep or low nutrition can weaken immunity. Talk to your pediatrician regarding this.
Do breastfed babies get sick less?
Yes. Breastfed babies have stronger immune systems. They fall sick less often and recover faster.