Co-Sleeping: Yes, No, Sometimes?

Co-Sleeping: Yes, No, Sometimes?

Co-sleeping has become quite the topic of debate these days, new parents are often contemplating what route to take when it comes to deciding where to put their baby to sleep. Well before we talk about what’s right let’s understand what Co-sleeping is all about?

What is Co-sleeping?

When the parents sleep on the same surface as their children that’s known as Co-sleeping. However Co-sleeping can also mean when you put the baby to sleep in the same room, here the baby might be in a crib or a separate bed. 

Myths of Co-sleeping

  1. Safety is miles away from Co-sleeping

Contrary to popular opinion, Co-sleeping can be really safe. There are some measures parents need to take and this bit is totally possible. 

  • Put the toddler in a baby nest and then make them sleep on your bed. The baby nest will act as a safety net for your child and both you and the baby will sleep with all the comfort.
  • Having the Crib right next to the bed can totally ease you up on the breastfeeding and would also make it a little more possible for you to clearly hear the baby crying and stirring during the night time. 
  • Instead of both parents sleeping on the bed, one of them can sleep on an extra bed which makes Co-sleeping very easy and safe.

  1. I’m a light sleeper so Co-sleeping is safe

Being a new parent ensures one thing that you’re exhausted most of the time. So it doesn't matter whether you were a light sleeper because life has changed after the baby and regardless to say things are very different now. Also once you are Co-sleeping you’ll be conscious all the time and not sleep well, which will in turn lead to a lot of other problems. New parents should avoid this zone.

  1. Transition is tougher for Co-Sleepers

It’s a big step to either move your child from your own bed to the crib or from the crib to another room, the child needs a period of time to adjust. Honestly this totally depends on the temperament of your child. Transitions are best achieved with the fading method, which is gradually putting more distance between the child and themselves. Transition objects like blankets or stuffed animals can also be of great help. 

  1. There are no benefits of Co-Sleeping

If there’s a myth that has no merit to it, it's this one. Research shows that kids sleep most soundly around their parents, in fact they are recorded with better heart rates. Also it’s very easy for mothers to breastfeed without becoming fully active and finally Co-Sleeper parents sleep better because kids wake up less in a Co-sleeping environment. 

  1. Sex is a forbidden fruit

Another myth that’s laughable, because hello you can totally get an hour away from the kid. Also if this is the case the parents are not being creative enough. Just because you’re a Co-sleeper doesn't mean it needs to ruin your marriage now does it? 

Facts of Co-Sleeping

  1. Co-Sleeping is more common than you think

Your friends and family can totally judge you around this and be very preachy when it comes to Co-sleeping. However most parents resort to this, their reasons could be very different but at least one parent in your circle is sharing a bed with their baby. 

  1. Co-Sleeping helps with Baby’s Development 

Babies need to learn to respond to the sensory signals like smells, movements, sounds, touches and more and Co-sleeping really helps them with this. It also helps the baby react sooner to their atmosphere compared to babies who sleep in different rooms from the start. 

  1. Co-Sleeping helps with Bonding

The baby and parents feel very connected to each other when Co-Sleeping is practiced, the touch therapy really hits a chord with the baby and their affection only increases. The parents also feel more pledged to the child. 

Some parents are all for Co-Sleeping while others totally discredit it, well what’s important is the comfort of you and the child and what works best is how you’d like to make the baby sleep. There’s no better way to do this than to discuss it with your healthcare provider and obviously trust your gut. There’s enough evidence that both methods are tried and tested, the choice should be totally yours. 


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